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Art & Sculpture

Sculpture in the Samaha office The facial plastic surgeon is, above all, an artist. Although his tool is the scalpel, his eye and brain need to function similarly to that of a sculptor or painter. Much like a painter or sculptor can see the shape or form in his mind before starting his work, a facial surgeon must possess an eye for aesthetics. This means the ability to envision a patient’s face at its most beautiful.

The Art & Sculpture of Facial Aesthetics

Creating a beautiful, youthful, and natural-looking result is not about simply performing a procedure or injecting a filler. It is about having a sense of aesthetics and the ability to use one’s artistry to determine where the highlight of the cheek should be, where the pleasing arch of the brow needs to be to frame the eyes and bring out their beauty and color, or how long the nose needs to be to create an elegant profile which enhances the patient’s particular facial proportions.

Meet Dr. Mark Samaha

A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.


Dr. Mark Samaha

Meet Dr. Mark Samaha

A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.


Once he shares his vision with the patient, together they agree on a plan. Dr. Samaha uses his surgical skill, artistic eye and experience to make the vision a reality.

Art in the Samaha office Dr. Samaha is often asked by patients, “What made you decide to perform aesthetic surgery?” The answer is clear. In no other surgical specialty—indeed no other medical specialty—is artistry so central. It is the combination of artistry, surgery, and the ability to interact and get to know and understand his patients that makes Dr. Samaha so passionate about his work.

If you’re looking for artful, natural-looking facial plastic surgery in Montreal, request your consultation with Dr. Samaha, or call our office at (514) 613-3004 to book your appointment.