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Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty in Montreal consists of modifying the shape of the nose using dermal fillers (Restylane, Juvéderm and others), without surgery. These dermal fillers are the same products frequently injected in various facial areas such as the lips, the hollow circles under the eyes, and the cheeks. When injected in specific areas of the nose, dermal fillers serve to camouflage many imperfections as the fill hollows and grooves to create a smooth contour. Dr. Samaha is an expert at using dermal fillers to adjust the shape and contour of the nose to achieve an aesthetically pleasing result.

 The Benefits of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty can correct a wide range of nasal imperfections.

An example is a patient who has a hump on the nose and wishes to eliminate it without having to undergo surgery. While fillers cannot remove the hump, small amounts of dermal fillers injected above and below the hump serve to camouflage it and create a straight profile.

Side profile of a woman before and after nonsurgical Rhinoplasty in Montreal

To correct the appearance of the dorsal hump, dermal fillers are injected above and below the hump to straighten the nose.

These photos are published for information only in order to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Another example of patients who benefit greatly from non-surgical rhinoplasty are ethnic patients with low bridges and poorly defined, flat tips. This is present in many Asian patients and patients of Afro-Caribbean descent. Strategic placement of small amounts of dermal fillers can fashion a bridge and transform a flat or very round tip into a narrow, well-defined tip.

A woman before and after nonsurgical Rhinoplasty in Montreal

Dermal fillers injected into the nasal tip and along the bridge help define the tip and bridge of the nose and add alignment and symmetry.

These photos are published for information only in order to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Another group of patients for whom non-surgical rhinoplasty is ideally suited are patients who have already undergone one or more rhinoplasty surgeries and who still have some imperfections with which they are unhappy. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can usually provide a great improvement and correction with very little risk of an unpredictable result. It is an ideal method to fill areas where excessive tissue (cartilage and bone) may have been removed in the previous surgeries, leaving hollows and shadows which disrupt the harmony of the nose. Furthermore, it is easy to touch up if the patient wishes more correction to reach their ideal.

Meet Dr. Mark Samaha

A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.


Dr. Mark Samaha

Meet Dr. Mark Samaha

A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.


Dr. Samaha’s Approach

Dr. Samaha’s extensive experience in analyzing the nose, his eye for the nasal esthetic, and his years of experience in performing surgery on the nose allows him to have a sense for the esthetics of the nose and its relationship to the remainder of the patient’s unique facial shape and traits. This is extremely important in fashioning a nose that not only fits within the proportions of the face, but also enhances its harmony. It is this experience in surgical rhinoplasty that Dr. Samaha applies to non-surgical sculpture of the nose.

As with injection of dermal fillers in any part of the face, Dr. Samaha adopts a conservative, stepwise approach. He prefers to inject less than the required amount of product at the first visit, allow this lesser amount and any minor swelling to settle for 2-3 weeks and reassess and touch up the result if necessary at a follow-up appointment. This stepwise approach allows for a more precise sculpting of the nose and helps obtain a more perfected result.

Types of Filler Used in Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Dr. Samaha uses fillers whose active ingredient is Hyaluronic Acid. These dermal fillers, including Juvéderm and Restylane are the most commonly used worldwide and have been on the market over 20 years with an excellent safety profile. When used by experienced injectors, they provide a natural contour and feel.

Dr. Samaha has been injecting dermal fillers for about 20 years and is a non-surgical rhinoplasty expert. He teaches courses and workshops on injection techniques and methods and is a trainer for other physicians learning to perform injections.


How is non-surgical rhinoplasty performed?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed in the office and is similar to other injectable treatments like BOTOX Cosmetic® and dermal fillers.

The skin of the nose is cleaned and disinfected. Key areas are then injected to achieve the desired changes by camouflaging hollows and asymmetries. The injection usually takes 5-10 minutes. A follow-up appointment is usually scheduled, and any necessary touch-ups are performed then to further perfect the result if needed.

Is non-surgical rhinoplasty painful?

No, this treatment is not painful. Occasionally, at the patient’s request, numbing cream can be placed over the skin of the nose for 20 minutes prior to the injection to minimize any pain. This is rare as the injection is not painful.

Who is a candidate for non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Any patient who does not wish to have rhinoplasty surgery or is not a good candidate for surgery may be a good candidate for non-surgical rhinoplasty. Patients may not wish to have surgery due to budgetary concerns; or may have had previous surgery with an unsatisfactory result and are hesitant to undergo another procedure. Such patients would be ideally suited for this procedure.

Some patients who are not candidates for surgery due to a medical condition may also benefit from non-surgical rhinoplasty.

What are the advantages of non-surgical rhinoplasty?

  • It provides an option for patients who do not wish to have surgery or who are thinking about surgery but have not yet reached a decision.
  • For patients who wish to have surgery but feel unsure or concerned about the result, this is a great option. As the products used are not permanent, non-surgical rhinoplasty provides the patient with an opportunity to have a preview of the result and get used to it before committing to surgery.
  • Touch-ups are easy and consist of adding a small amount of dermal filler to certain areas of the nose. The result can therefore be easily adjusted and perfected, much like creating a sculpture, until the most ideal result is achieved.

Are there any limitations?

  • The main limitation of non-surgical rhinoplasty is that it is not permanent. Nonetheless, the result lasts longer than any other area in the face. Indeed, whereas dermal fillers in the lips or cheeks or other facial regions may last up to one year, non-surgical rhinoplasty will last approximately 12-18 months, or longer in some instances.
  • Although most imperfections can be camouflaged and corrected, a few cannot. For example, flared nostrils cannot be improved with non-surgical rhinoplasty and will require surgery for correction.

How long does it last?

Depending on the product used, the injection technique, and the individual variation among different people, the result can last 12-18 months.

What if I do not like the result?

This is an exceedingly rare occurrence. In the rare event that the patient is not satisfied with the result the filler can either be dissolved or left to disappear on its own within a year or so, at which time the nose will revert to its original shape.

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Call our friendly staff now for expert help.

Caring team members are here to take your call from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

CALL: (514) 613-3004

Would you like to learn more about non-surgical rhinoplasty? Request your consultation with Dr. Samaha online or call us at (514) 613-3004 to make your appointment. Dr. Samaha attracts patients from Quebec City, Laval, and Gatineau.