Preservation Rhinoplasty in Montreal
Dr. Samaha specializes in facial cosmetic procedures in Montreal and is particularly skilled in rhinoplasty surgery. His aesthetic approach and artistic eye for detail has long provided Quebec patients seeking improvement to their facial symmetry with exceptional results, including those looking for an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon who’s familiar with all the latest surgical techniques.
Rhinoplastie Photos Avant & Après /
Rhinoplasty Before & After Photos
Ces photos sont publiées à titre indicatif afin de fournir de l’information sur la nature de l’intervention. Elles ne constituent aucunement une garantie de résultat.
These photos are published for information only in order to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.
What is Preservation Rhinoplasty?
The term preservation rhinoplasty describes a philosophy related to rhinoplasty surgery that aims to preserve as much of the natural anatomy of the nose as possible without jeopardizing the final result. The idea is to minimize, as much as possible, disruption to the normal structures, including tissues like ligaments muscles, cartilage, and bones.
Techniques which involve extensive removing, cutting, or manipulating of nasal tissues can result in complications related to the healing and scarring of these tissues. Moreover, extensive manipulation of the nasal tissues will result in more substantial scarring, leading to unpredictable results.
Preservation rhinoplasty involves a more subtle approach, with the facial cosmetic surgeon carefully preserving the natural tissues and important nasal structures, while removing or reshaping the parts of the nose that need improvement. One of the primary reasons people decide against getting cosmetic nose surgery is concern about their final result not looking natural. Preservation rhinoplasty minimizes this risk and is an attractive and popular option for patients in Montreal and throughout Quebec.
Is this a new rhinoplasty technique?
Preservation rhinoplasty is an approach rather than a surgical technique. The basis of preserving tissues goes back over 100 years to the late 19th century and early 20th century. It is about the surgeon’s rhinoplasty philosophy and how they think about the surgery and chooses to carry out the procedure.
For example, some facial surgeons perform open rhinoplasty, which involves more tissue disruption and trauma. Their approach is to dismantle some or all parts of the nose and rebuild it in the desired shape. Other surgeons, including Dr. Samaha, think of the procedure differently, opting to avoid traumatizing tissues unnecessarily while addressing only those areas of the nose that need correction. For this reason, Dr. Samaha has become a top choice for patients seeking a rhinoplasty specialist with a long history of predictable results.
Why is this surgical approach popular now?
In the world of surgery, just like in the world of fashion, some concepts are cyclical. Just like bellbottom pants were popular in the 1970’s and are now making a resurgence, the concept of preserving tissue in rhinoplasty surgery is an old one. Recently, there has been a renewed interest among rhinoplasty surgeons due to advancing knowledge of the nasal anatomy and the desire to seek less destructive techniques.
Social media has significantly educated consumers about rhinoplasty techniques, increasing awareness among both surgeons and potential patients. This has led to the popularization of terms like ‘preservation rhinoplasty’, which refers to a particular technical maneuver to preserve the dorsum (bridge) of the nose.
However, the surgical philosophy and principle of preserving normal tissues in rhinoplasty has existed for over 100 years and Dr. Samaha has been using this philosophy and approach since the beginning of his practice in 2002.
Meet Dr. Mark Samaha
A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.
Meet Dr. Mark Samaha
A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Preserving Nose Tissue a Good Thing?
Each disrupted or cut structure in the nasal anatomy will heal by scarring. The more healing and scarring required, the higher the chance of an unpredictable healing issue, with a consequent imperfection in the final result.
It is therefore desirable to make the necessary changes to the nose while minimizing unnecessary tissue trauma, to have the most predictable result possible. This is what makes rhinoplasty such a complex procedure that requires a great deal of delicacy, finesse, and experience to ensure you get the best possible result.
Why Don’t All Facial Surgeons Perform Preservation Rhinoplasty?
As mentioned above, this is a philosophy related to how a surgeon approaches the process of surgery. Due to their training, some surgeons have a different philosophy which favours a more destructive surgical approach, sometimes termed “structural approach,” which aims to dismantle the nose and build it back up.
Which Surgical Approach Is Better for You?
In Dr. Samaha’s opinion and his experience, preserving the natural anatomy, when possible, is the best approach. He only addresses those parts of the nose that require correction while preserving the parts that look good. Essentially, fix only what needs fixing and leave the beautiful parts as they are. This philosophy has also allowed him to obtain more predictable results for his patients, with fewer instances of unexpected imperfections requiring touch-ups and revision rhinoplasty surgeries. These long-lasting, natural results are what Dr. Samaha is known for throughout Montreal and greater Quebec.
Is This Approach Related to Open Rhinoplasty Or Closed Rhinoplasty?
Given that open rhinoplasty, by definition, involves cutting and disrupting tissues, it is clear that it is not a preservation rhinoplasty approach. Closed rhinoplasty, depending on the surgeon’s technique and how tailored the surgery is regarding sparing the delicate natural tissues, can certainly be considered a preservation rhinoplasty.
Is it the Same as Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty?
No. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is the term used when an ultrasonic knife is used to cut the bones of the nose. While in principle, that should be a positive thing, most surgeons who use ultrasonic rhinoplasty “open” the nose to do so. This means they perform an open rhinoplasty to use the ultrasonic knife.
Open rhinoplasty is when the surgeon “opens” the nose, meaning they cut all the attachments between the skin and the cartilages, and peel the skin off the nose to make the necessary changes. (See Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty). Open rhinoplasty involves cutting more tissues, and results in more scarring and swelling for the patient. This trauma to the nose tissue is the opposite of the preservation approach.
So, while it is OK and even beneficial in some instances, to use the ultrasonic knife (ultrasonic rhinoplasty), if the surgeon opens the nose, that causes more trauma to the tissues. Any potential benefit from the use of the ultrasonic knife is offset by the downsides of performing an open rhinoplasty.
Dr. Samaha performs ultrasonic rhinoplasty. However, he does not open the nose and instead uses it with a closed rhinoplasty approach, which is minimally invasive.
Are you a Good Candidate for Preservation Rhinoplasty?
Any patient wishing to improve certain features and enhance the esthetics of their nose are good candidates for Preservation Rhinoplasty. These include rhinoplasty to
·Lower the height of a nasal bump
·Shorten a long nose
·Enhance the side profile
·Improve a crooked nose
·Lift a drooping tip
·Refine a wide tip
Patients undergoing revision rhinoplasty or patients requiring complex reconstruction after trauma may not be ideal candidates for Preservation Rhinoplasty.
Recovery after Preservation Rhinoplasty Surgery
Preservation rhinoplasty, by virtue of minimizing unnecessary trauma to tissues, will cause less swelling, inflammation, and bruising. As a result, the recovery is painless and shorter, with patients returning to their daily activities sooner. Whereas the recovery after open rhinoplasty can last 2-3 weeks or more, the recovery after preservation rhinoplasty is much shorter, frequently one week or less.
How Long Will Your Results Last?
Preservation rhinoplasty is designed to be a permanent surgical procedure, with its results lasting a lifetime. The longevity of results depends on factors like the surgeon’s expertise, the patient’s anatomy, and adherence to postoperative care.
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Call our friendly staff now for expert help.
Caring team members are here to take your call from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Bottom Line
Preservation rhinoplasty is not a specific surgical technique or instrument and instead has more to do with the surgeon’s philosophy in how they perform rhinoplasty surgery. It is an approach where the areas of concern, whether a hump or a bulbous nasal tip are modified and improved while the surrounding anatomy is left untouched.
This approach means that areas of the nose that don’t need surgical intervention are left untouched, resulting in a more predictable surgical outcome while reducing the potential for unexpected scaring and resulting in a shorter recovery period.
If you are interested in learning which rhinoplasty procedure is right for you, please request a consultation online or call (514) 613-3004 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Samaha in Montreal today.