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What is ULTRASONIC Rhinoplasty?

Cutting the bone to remove a hump, narrow the bridge, or correct a crooked nose is among the many maneuvers executed during rhinoplasty surgery. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty refers to the use of an ultrasonic knife, referred to as Piezotome or Piezo device, to cut the bone.

The skeleton of the nose is composed of bone and cartilage. The upper 1/3 of the nose is bone while the lower 2/3 is cartilage. (Figure 1 (a) and (b)).

Figure 1 (a) and (b) – Schematic of the nose showing the anatomy composed of bone and cartilage. The upper 1/3 consists of bone. The lower 2/3 of the nose, which includes the tip and lower part of the bridge, is made of cartilage.

In the upper nose, the bone can be cut and/or removed using the Piezo ultrasonic knife. However, the ultrasonic knife does not work on cartilage tissue, which composes the lower part of the nose. Therefore, surgery on this portion of the nose, such as refining the tip can only be performed with the usual technique.

Is this a new rhinoplasty technique?

Ultrasonic technology has been used in dentistry for many years. The use of an ultrasonic device in rhinoplasty was also attempted many years ago but it was not adopted by the majority of rhinoplasty surgeons. However, there has been a recent resurgence of the technology and in surgeons adopting its use. Social media has significantly increased patients’ awareness of its existence. As a result, it is now more commonly used.

Is Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty related to Open Rhinoplasty or Closed Rhinoplasty?

As mentioned above, Ultrasonic rhinoplasty refers to the use of the Piezotome, and can be used during either an open or a closed rhinoplasty.

Dr. Samaha performing Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty
using the Piezo Device

How does Ultrasonic rhinoplasty work?

Ultrasonic technology is used in various fields. Ultrasound waves cause vibration in solid substances. For example, ultrasound waves are used to break down kidney stones into very small sand-like particles so that they can pass without pain to the patient. Jewelers use ultrasonic waves to create vibrations which will break down deposits on gold or diamonds thereby cleaning them and regaining their polish.

In rhinoplasty surgery, ultrasonic waves can be used to cut nasal bone. The Piezotome has a tip that is applied to the bone and vibrates at a precise high-speed frequency. These very focused ultrasonic waves cut and shave bones without damaging tissue or cartilage. Because the cartilage is not affected, it cannot be cut or reshaped with the Piezotome device.

Meet Dr. Mark Samaha

A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.


Dr. Mark Samaha

Meet Dr. Mark Samaha

A double board-certified otolaryngologist whose practice focuses exclusively on facial plastic surgery, Dr. Samaha is highly qualified in facial aesthetics. Learn more about our physician and how he’s carefully refined his skills to sculpt your beautiful face.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are You a Good Candidate for Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty?

Any patient who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty can undergo ultrasonic rhinoplasty.

Patients who wish to correct the following are good candidates for ultrasonic rhinoplasty:
– Nasal hump
– Wide nose
– Crooked nose
– Asymmetric nasal bones

Is Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Better than Traditional Rhinoplasty?


It is a known principle in surgery that it is not the tool, instrument, or technology that produces the best result, but rather the surgeon’s skill, experience, and esthetic sense. A Facial Plastic Surgery expert, such as Dr. Samaha, creates excellent results for his patients using either technique. One isn’t necessarily better than the other and is instead dependent on your specific situation.

Does Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Surgery take longer?

Not significantly. The use of the Piezo device adds only a few extra minutes to the surgery. It is simply another tool that Dr. Samaha uses. However, if the surgeon needs to use open rhinoplasty to insert the Piezotome, then “opening” the nose not only causes more trauma as explained below, but it also adds significant time to the procedure.

Is Recovery after Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Shorter?

Yes and No. Recovery certainly can be shorter if used appropriately.

The use of the Piezo ultrasonic device can provide additional benefit in cutting the bone with less trauma to adjacent tissues and cartilage. However, cutting the bone is one small portion of the procedure. The remainder of the procedure needs to be equally non-invasive to have an overall benefit. If the other parts of the surgery traumatize the tissues, then any benefit from the use of the Piezotome will be nullified.

The trauma caused to nasal tissues is largely influenced by whether the surgeon uses open or closed rhinoplasty when using the Piezo ultrasonic device.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty in Open and Closed Rhinoplasty

Most surgeons feel they need to use the open rhinoplasty approach when performing ultrasonic rhinoplasty in order to have enough space to insert the device and perform the necessary bone cutting. Dr. Samaha feels this is needlessly invasive.

Indeed, if the goal is to cut the bone but spare the soft tissues around it to minimize trauma, why then cut those very tissues, just to be able to insert the device? In Dr. Samaha’s opinion, this is counterproductive.

Dr. Samaha has used the closed rhinoplasty approach for over 22 years with excellent results. This approach is less traumatic to all nasal tissues, including the soft tissues and cartilage.

Dr. Samaha has now combined the use of ultrasonic rhinoplasty with the closed approach to further minimize trauma to the nose, and maximize the benefit for his patients in shortening their recovery.

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Call our friendly staff now for expert help.

Caring team members are here to take your call from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

CALL: (514) 613-3004

How do I know if Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty is Right for me?

The most important decision for patients is to select the right rhinoplasty surgeon.

This, of course, is important for any surgery. It is much more important in rhinoplasty surgery given the complexity of the procedure. Choosing an experienced rhinoplasty expert is most likely to result in the best result.

Dr. Samaha has years of experience and has performed over 2,700 esthetic rhinoplasty procedures and he is always on the cutting edge of techniques and technology in all facial plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Samaha performs ultrasonic rhinoplasty and individualizes the rhinoplasty procedure and his approach to obtain the most optimal result for each patient’s anatomy and most importantly their goals.

Take the Next Step

Request your consultation with Dr. Samaha online or call us at (514) 613-3004 to make your appointment to find out if you are a candidate for ultrasonic rhinoplasty. Dr. Samaha attracts patients from Quebec City, Laval, Ottawa, and Gatineau.